Proudly Part Of The Community Of Sydney Catholic Schools

Why choose us?

St Michael’s Catholic Primary School Belfield is a strong community where our faith is alive in word and action. We are a Positive Education School that aims for every child to achieve their best and flourish in an environment of student wellbeing and learning growth.

The Leadership Team and staff work collaboratively in partnership with our engaged parents to provide a multitude of co-curricular and social justice opportunities that inspire students to find their passion, make learning a joy and set them on a path of making a meaningful difference in their world. 

Principal’s Message

01-belfield-principal-and-studentWelcome to St Michael’s Catholic Primary School Belfield where our school motto, Faith, Learning, Love underpins everything we do. You are invited to be a part of our faith-filled community where every child is nurtured to reach their full potential.

As we are a very family-oriented community, our students experience a strong sense of belonging to a joyful, supportive, and caring community which is evident in their respectful relationships with the staff and other students.

01-belfield-out-history-statueOur school was established in 1959 with funding from St Michael’s Belfield parish by the Dominican Sisters with Sr M Joachim as the first principal. As the school grew in enrolments so did the need for new facilities to accommodate, which were supported by the efforts of our Parents and Friends Committee formed in 1973. In 1975, the first lay principal, Mr. Neville Dodd, was appointed and the school continued to grow over the following decades. We are proud of the multicultural community that lives on today and enjoys a positive relationship with our parish.


Together, at St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, where we instil the values of Faith, Learning and Love:


Contact Details
A: 26 Margaret Street, Belfield, NSW 2191
P: (02) 9642 2736
W: secretarystmichaelsbelfield@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr Andrew Benton

The community of St Michael’s is a friendly and welcoming one. We enjoy a close relationship with the parish and we work in partnership with the Parish Priest.

Proudly Part of the Community of Sydney Catholic Schools

Our school is part of a system of 147 low-fee Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese.

Sydney Catholic Schools are thriving Catholic communities that ignite a love of Christ through excellent teaching and learning to empower students to reach their full potential.

Our school news